
Hello my name is Saber and this term we are learning about earthquakes.Scientists Say: Earthquake | Science News for Students

Earthquakes are formed when tectonic plates move.

Then an earthquake starts and you can see how powerful an earthquake is  on the richter scale. There can be a 1 that means that it’s unnoticeable  and 10 that means it’s really deadly.Experts Answer Your Biggest Questions About Earthquakes | WIRED

Here is a link to an earthquake website link here.

Did you know the largest earthquake ever recorded was in 1960 in Chili. The New Zealand earthquake happened in 2011, in Christchurch.

When an earthquake happens under water a tsunami happens.

Did you know there are 17 or more earthquakes that happen every day?

In a year more than 2000 earthquakes happen.

Earthquakes occur in the crust or upper mantle, from the earth’s surface to about 400 miles below the surface. But the very deepest earthquakes only occur at subduction zones where cold crustal rock is being pushed deep into the earth.


My Muriwai Beach Experiences

Hello I’m saber  and yesterday I went to Muriwai beach  and my favorite thing was boogie boarding. This is a pic of someone boogie boarding.

Do you know the 3 r’s in a rip they are relax raise and ride. if you want to spot a rip there are many way if the water is calm there might be a rip . And I ate a cookie. Thank you for reading this. Have you ever been to  Muriwai beach and seen a rip?

This is a pic of a rip hope it helps.


Here is a pic of me bogie boding. Here is a link to the surf-lifesaving website link here.

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